
Year 6 Trip to Warner Bros Studios

Posted: 13th May 2022

students at Warner Bros Studios

On Wednesday, Year 6 finally got to reap all the rewards for their Severus-ly hard work in English and set Pad-foot inside the Harry Potter Warner Brother Studios.

On arrival, they were escorted behind locked Dumbledoors to their workshop about ‘Screenplay Stories’, where they learnt about how writers use the written word to convey visual representations and narrative in a screenplay.

Using the ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ film as an example, the children looked at the structure of screenplay writing and used authentic Harry Potter props as inspiration to develop their own i-magic-native stories in groups.

Then it was time for the bewitching tour! The children got to Potter onto iconic sets like the Great Hall, Gringott’s Bank and Diagon Alley, whilst looking at the ori-Ginny-al props, costumes and all the amazing visual, creature and special effects. Overall, we have a Marvolo-us day! – Naomi Watts

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