
Form I Empty Classroom Day

Posted: 14th May 2021

2 girls with their thumbs up in the forest

Well, we thought Form I had lucked out having our Empty Classroom Day in the summer term, but the day dawned cloudy and grey, uh oh!  Out came the wellies, waterproof trousers and coats and plenty of very enthusiastic smiles.

The day kicked off with Maths using sticks and other natural materials to help us with our number bonds. In English we created poems about our outdoor classroom day. Forest School is always a highlight on a Monday, so doubly great on Empty Classroom Day! We used our bodies and natural things to make pictures in the woods and even made a fire and toasted marshmallows.

A picnic lunch was followed by science, where we made good and bad habitats and had to find a woodlouse  (why can you never find a woodlouse when you need one?) and observe which habitat he/she chose.

All in all, a quite stupendous day – loads of learning, loads of fun and not a whiteboard or pencil in sight. We all slept very well that night (including the staff!).

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