
Category: News

Lanesborough U7 Football Tournament

27th September 2017

On Saturday 23rd September Mr Blewitt took a talented side of seven Form II boys to play against six other schools at Lanesborough’s Football Tournament.

British Indoor Skiing Championship

27th September 2017

On Monday Longacre’s Ski Team travelled up to The Snow Centre in Hemel Hempstead to compete in the British Independent Schools Skiing Indoor Championships.

Kindergarten Teddy Bear’s Picnic

22nd September 2017

On Thursday Kindergarten hosted their annual Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Mums, dads, grannies and nannies joined the children for a picnic in the Kindergarten playground.

Challenge Club

22nd September 2017

During the summer holidays 10 new Micro:Bits arrived on my desk. I excitedly opened the package and got tinkering!

Reception Trip to Alice Holt Forest

18th September 2017

On Thursday Reception parents and children joined forces to spend an activity filled morning in Alice Holt Forest

Form VI trip to Henley Fort

15th September 2017

The Form VI children set out on a day trip to Henley Fort in Guildford, to experience what life might have been like for the local civil defence during World War II

In Kindergarten this week

14th September 2017

This week in Kindergarten the children became super heroes. Their special power was super human hearing and listening

Longacre Announces Appointment of New Head

8th July 2017

The Board of Governors is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Matthew Bryan as the new Head of Longacre School.

Form VI Leavers’ Week

7th July 2017

This week Form VI have embarked on a busy schedule of activities in their final, fun-filled week at Longacre!

PTA Summer Ball

7th July 2017

On a perfect summer’s evening over 200 Longacre staff and parents attended the legendary Summer Ball

Now Offering Year Round Nursery