
Category: News

Year 1 trip to Bocketts Farm

16th June 2021

To consolidate their topic about Pets this term Year 1 went on a visit to Bocketts Farm. Although it was very hot the children all coped so well and enjoyed exploring with the help of our tour guides. First of all we visited the mud kitchen area, where lots of fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers…

Creative Wellness Festival

28th May 2021

After an extraordinary year for the children, we decided to incorporate a ‘Creative Wellness Festival’ into the Summer Term. With a national focus on mental health during the pandemic we focussed on relationships, empathy, social skills, mindfulness, creative meditations and using art as ‘therapy’ in a fun two days outside in the woods! Reception to…

Form I Visit to Brooklands Museum

25th May 2021

Form I had a super trip to Brooklands Museum on Monday. The children were all impeccably behaved and listened eagerly and asked lots of great questions. We looked at the modes of transport that have developed over the years such as cars, bicycles and planes. The children were lucky enough to board a Concorde too….

Form VI visit to Sandhurst Copse

24th May 2021

The Form VI children have been learning all about their local habitat in cross curricular science/geography lessons this term. Having already started to make a record of the trees found on site, they were kindly invited by local expert (and ex-governor) Patrick Mannix to tour his woodland just up the hill towards Farley Heath. Here…

Form V Trip to Legoland

21st May 2021

Last Thursday (20th May) we were very excited for Form V to once again visit Legoland Windsor as part of the computing curriculum. The children took part in a Lego ‘Robotics’ workshop, building and programming their own interactive model before having time to enjoy the park. Here are Emily and Tommy’s thoughts on the day:…

Form III Trip to Lodge Hill

14th May 2021

The Form III children had such a super time at Lodge Hill. On Day 1 they were tasked with building a shelter in teams that would protect them from all weathers. They worked well together to tie the ropes and put up their tarps and even added their own features like fire pits, windows and…

Form IV trip to Lodge Hill

14th May 2021

The Form IV children had a wonderful time at Lodge Hill Activity Centre in Pulborough this week. Over the two days, the children faced a number of challenges including abseiling, climbing, archery, the ‘Gladiator Challenge’ and sno-tubing. They worked as a team to support and encourage one another and overcame their fears. The days were…

Form V trip to Cobnor

14th May 2021

What a week Form V had at Cobnor Activity Centre in the beautiful Chichester Harbour. The children were so excited to be able to go on our ‘non-residential’ residential and they certainly made the most of every minute. From the Wellerman theme song to our ‘Camper of the Day’ & ‘Doughnut of the Day’ awards…

Form VI Trip to Cobnor

14th May 2021

The Year VI children have had a wonderful time on their week away in Cobnor – what a week and we were blessed with (mainly) good weather. The children took part in so many brilliant activities including climbing, Aeroball, initiative exercises, low ropes, bushcraft, sailing, canoeing, kayaking and raft building. The teachers got stuck in…

Form I Empty Classroom Day

14th May 2021

Well, we thought Form I had lucked out having our Empty Classroom Day in the summer term, but the day dawned cloudy and grey, uh oh!  Out came the wellies, waterproof trousers and coats and plenty of very enthusiastic smiles. The day kicked off with Maths using sticks and other natural materials to help us…

Now Offering Year Round Nursery