
News & Events

Year 5 trip to Land & Wave

8th June 2022

Year 5 gathered the week before summer half term to set off – suitcases, hoodies and stuffed toys at the ready – to make the most of this fantastic week at Land and Wave in Swanage. Facing a week of no electronic devices or sweets, being away from their families and being independent, they dived…

Year 6 trip to France

6th June 2022

Excitement for the France trip was palpable from the Year 6’s and Mrs Edwards – who really couldn’t wait for to see the bright lights of Disneyland Paris again. With a big wave from the parents, we set off on our long adventure across the sea for our first residential trip in years. The children…

Form II Visit to Sayers Croft

27th May 2022

The Form II children had an amazing time learning all about the life cycle of flowers at Sayers Croft this week. Arriving at Sayers Croft after a short coach ride, we were welcomed by our guide for the day, Rob. For our first activity we had to recognise the features of a 100 year old…

Form I Trip to Bocketts Farm Park

26th May 2022

Form I had a wonderful visit to Bocketts Farm Park on Wednesday. We were invited to visit the animal Discovery Barn where the children were able to feed a variety of farm animals including woolly sheep, greedy goats and cheeky llamas. As a working farm, there were plenty of baby animals for us to see…

Form III Visit to the Victorian Schoolroom

26th May 2022

On Wednesday Form III arrived at school suitably dressed for an exciting day at the Victorian schoolroom in Guildford with a very strict teacher, Miss Smith. We paraded into the big school room which was decorated with lots of bookshelves, a picture of Queen Victoria and even stuffed animals like a hedgehog, an owl and a…

Year 6 visit to Metro Bank

13th May 2022

The most important parts of the Independence Days are that children are in positions where they need to make choices, to problem solve and feel like they are in real world situations, whilst still having adults around to support them. Form VI’s trip to the Metrobank in Guildford was the epitome of this goal. The children…

Year 6 Trip to Warner Bros Studios

13th May 2022

On Wednesday, Year 6 finally got to reap all the rewards for their Severus-ly hard work in English and set Pad-foot inside the Harry Potter Warner Brother Studios. On arrival, they were escorted behind locked Dumbledoors to their workshop about ‘Screenplay Stories’, where they learnt about how writers use the written word to convey visual…

Year 5 Trip to Legoland

13th May 2022

On Thursday, Year 5 went to Legoland Windsor. We started our visit with a brilliant workshop run by one of the Lego experts. We made robots which detected motion and movement which was very clever. After our workshop we were amazed by the mini city and particularly enjoyed seeing the NASA building which had a…

SATIPS & IAPS Skiing Competition

10th May 2022

Sam B and Thomas S in Form VI represented Longacre at the SATIPS and IAPS skiing competitions held at Hemel Hempstead on Monday.  The boys took part in the pre-race training on the Sunday evening for some last minute practice and enjoyed tucking into the hotel buffet breakfast on Monday morning! The first competition was…

Masterclass with British Tennis legends

9th May 2022

We were very lucky to have two British tennis legends visiting Longacre today. James Auckland, former GB Davis Cup player and occasional doubles partner of Andy Murray and Danny Sapsford, former GB Davis Cup player and the founder of the Bright Ideas for Tennis charity, gave a tennis skills masterclass to our senior tennis squad…

Now Offering Year Round Nursery