
News & Events

Form VI Trip to Cobnor

14th May 2021

The Year VI children have had a wonderful time on their week away in Cobnor – what a week and we were blessed with (mainly) good weather. The children took part in so many brilliant activities including climbing, Aeroball, initiative exercises, low ropes, bushcraft, sailing, canoeing, kayaking and raft building. The teachers got stuck in…

Form I Empty Classroom Day

14th May 2021

Well, we thought Form I had lucked out having our Empty Classroom Day in the summer term, but the day dawned cloudy and grey, uh oh!  Out came the wellies, waterproof trousers and coats and plenty of very enthusiastic smiles. The day kicked off with Maths using sticks and other natural materials to help us…

Form III Empty Classroom Day

7th May 2021

The Form III children had a fantastic time on their Empty Classroom Day on Wednesday. They started off by collecting some firewood ready to use later on. The first lesson of the day was maths where the children collaborated in pairs to find the perimeter of objects around the woods, using their own measurements such…

Form IV Trip to Farnham Museum

30th April 2021

On Wednesday the Form IV children enjoyed a fantastic Tudor day at Farnham Museum. The day started when the children arrived in their Tudor costumes; we had princes and princesses and rich and poor children from Tudor times. The children all looked fantastic and it really set the day off well. When we arrived at…

Nursery Empty Classroom Day

29th April 2021

On Tuesday it was the Nursery children’s turn to enjoy their Empty Classroom Day. The sun was shining as the children headed down to the woods to start their day. We started by collecting some fire wood and then got stuck into a range of activities. The children learned how to use a bow saw,…

11+ Success

17th March 2021

We are extremely proud of all our Form VI pupils who are once again celebrating outstanding 11+ exam results this year. Between them they have received a record-breaking total of 67 offers of senior school places from 23 senior schools across Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire including a number of new schools such as Worth…

Science Week

12th March 2021

On Monday the children in Years 3- 6 had the pleasure of watching the National Farmers’ Union workshop: ‘Lambing Live!’ It was wonderful to see the farmers with their sheep and lambs and they were very knowledgeable about their animals. We got a tour of the farm on one of the farmer’s quad bikes and…

Home Learning Highlights Week 7

7th March 2021

Please click on the video link below to see the highlights from this week’s home learning.

Home Learning Highlights Week 6

28th February 2021

Please click on the video link below to see the highlights from this week’s home learning.

Home Learning Highlights Week 5

13th February 2021

Please click on the video link below to see the highlights from this week’s home learning.

Now Offering Year Round Nursery