
News & Events

Form V Trip to Land & Wave

7th June 2019

The Form V children spent an amazing week in Swanage leading up to half term on their Land and Wave residential and what a week it was! Every pupil fully embraced all the opportunities, learning new skills such as fire lighting, navigation, guiding each other while blindfolded as well as trying all the activities on…

Form VI Trip to France

7th June 2019

What a wonderful Form VI trip to the rather beautiful Chateau de Warsy we had!  Once we arrived after our long journey (full of the usual songs, cries of ‘are we there yet?’ and ‘I’m hungry’) we checked out our accommodation at La Grange; a step up from last year’s ‘Pig Pods’ to be sure! …

Cricket Masterclass at Charterhouse School

14th May 2019

A group of lucky Under 9 & 10 boys got to experience a cricket masterclass delivered by Mark Ramprakash, the former Surrey & England legend and England Batting Coach.  Mark, alongside Martin Bicknell (Director of Cricket, Charterhouse), delivered some exciting batting and fielding drills to the boys, before putting them through their paces in the nets. …

Greenfield English Competition

2nd May 2019

On Tuesday four of our Year IV children travelled to Greenfield School to take part in their annual English Competition.  Amelia B, Sam F, Jasmine C and Thomas W were selected to represent the school and gave a fantastic account of themselves coming third overall! Some of the rounds were very difficult, the Cockney Rhyming…

New Library Opening

2nd May 2019

Monday 29th April saw the opening of the newly located Prep School Library. Based on an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ theme, parents were invited to come and view the wonderful pictures, created by Miss Butler as well as to see the new Accelerated Reading Scheme, which is currently operating for pupils in both Forms II and…

IAPS Ski Championships

29th March 2019

An amazing week of skiing took place at the IAPS Ski Championships in Passo del Tonale, Italy in March with an intrepid team of 10 Longacre pupils taking the slopes by storm. During the week the children trained extensively, perfecting their turns, picking up speed tips and adding racing technique to their skiing repertoire in…

Aeronautics Week

25th March 2019

On Monday, we were very lucky to have Dr Suzie Imber, a planetary scientist and winner of the BBC 2 television show ‘Astronauts, Have you got what it takes?’ visiting us. The Pre-Prep and Prep children all enjoyed an interesting assembly when Suzie talked to them about some of the challenges she took part in on the…

Red Nose Day

15th March 2019

On Friday 15th March Longacre shunned its traditional blue uniform in favour of shades of comedic red for Red Nose Day. 270 excited children (with very bulbous noses) exchanged ever more groan worthy ‘jokes’ practising for the Longacre joke competition later that day. The heats for the competition were held by the long suffering form teachers…

Celebrating 11+ Success

11th March 2019

We are extremely proud of all our Form VI pupils who are once again celebrating outstanding 11+ exam results this year. Between them they have received a record-breaking total of 63 offers of senior school places from 19 independent senior schools across Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire. Special congratulations also go to those Longacre pupils…

Scholarship Success

11th March 2019

Special congratulations also go to the following Longacre pupils who have been awarded scholarships this year: Harry A   Academic Scholarship at Duke of Kent School Art Scholarship at Frensham Heights Inigo S Academic Scholarship at Reigate Grammar School Toby W Drama Scholarship at St Edmund’s School Sam R Sports Scholarship at Reigate Grammar School…

Now Offering Year Round Nursery