
News & Events

Christ’s Hospital Maths Challenge

4th March 2019

On Thursday afternoon we went to Christ’s Hospital School in Horsham to take part in a maths challenge, representing Longacre against 37 other schools. For almost two hours there was a series of maths related questions and problem solving. My favourite part of the challenge was the tangram, pairs of numbers and the domino puzzle…

Charity Day for the British Heart Foundation

28th February 2019

Trafalgar’s Charity Day on Thursday 28th February saw the whole school take on various skipping challenges to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. The day started off with an assembly led by Trafalgar’s house committee Charlie, Alex, Sam, Oliver, Cassius and Harry. They informed the children about the work that the British Heart Foundation…

‘Go To Work with Mum or Dad’ Day

26th February 2019

On Tuesday 26th February, the Year 6 children embarked on their ‘Go to Work with Mum or Dad’ day and set about exploring the big, wide world outside of Longacre. We had children spending the day at Sky News, LinkedIn, KPMG and Cap Gemini as well as a number of financial services, media, travel and building & surveying companies. Some…

RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch

24th January 2019

On Thursday afternoon all the children from Reception to Form VI wrapped up warm to take part in the RSPB’s Big Schools Birdwatch. The children paired up across different year groups and were given a location around the school where they could enjoy a peaceful moment looking out for the different types of birds at Longacre. Magpies, Blackbirds,…

National Gallery Visit

18th January 2019

On Tuesday the Form V children visited the National Gallery where they made us very proud with their impeccable manners, creative questioning and super focus. We were lucky enough to have a private tour and workshop based on ‘Portraiture’ to complement last term’s topic. Belle, our workshop leader, led us on a journey through the gallery, beginning with…

Form I Trip to Bodiam Castle

15th January 2019

On Tuesday the Form I children travelled to East Sussex to visit Bodiam Castle. Everyone was very excited to get there and cross the moat and go inside. The children had lots of information and facts shared with them. They each got to try on suits of armour and hold objects that would have been…

Hockey Masterclass at Worth School

14th January 2019

The U11 hockey girls travelled to Worth School on Monday to attend a hockey masterclass with Simon Faulkner, Head of Hockey at Worth. It was a fantastic afternoon with all 22 players learning new skills and refining techniques in all aspects of the game. Simon focused a lot on defending, giving the Longacre girls intensive…

Ochre Studios Screen Printing Workshop

30th November 2018

The Form VI Art Masters were lucky enough to have a private workshop given by Ochre Studios, a print making studio based in Guildford, on Thursday 29th November . The children learned the beautiful art of screen printing and created some amazing prints during the workshop. This is the last term for our Form VI…

U11 Girls Rugby Masterclass

26th November 2018

The Forms V & VI girls were very privileged to have a masterclass with England international and Rugby World cup silver medalist Leanne Riley on Monday 26th November. The girls were treated firstly to a motivational talk and Q & A session during which they were given the once in a lifetime experience of holding…

King Edward’s Orchestral Day

18th October 2018

We were pleased to be invited to attend another Orchestral day at King Edward’s Witley on Thursday 18th October. With over 100 pupils from six schools, our Longacre instrumentalists held their own and tackled some complex pieces. We had representatives from each section of the orchestra and amongst older and more advanced musicians they threw themselves…

Now Offering Year Round Nursery