
News & Events

Form IV Residential Trip to Lodge Hill

25th February 2022

Form IV were very excited for their first residential trip. On Wednesday 9th February we arrived in school with large bags packed and ready to go, not forgetting all of our teddies! When we arrived at Lodge Hill we had a quick lunch and then it was straight into our first activity. After that, we…

Form III Empty Classroom Day

11th February 2022

It was a lovely surprise to have such glorious weather on Wednesday for our first Empty Classroom Day of 2022. Form III started off the day with their English lesson. They were using their imagination to write creative descriptions of objects to put into a magic box, in preparation for writing their own poems after half…

Reception Trip to the Planetarium

11th February 2022

What a super day Reception had at the South Downs Planetarium on Wednesday. Our day started with a long but lively coach trip. When we arrived, we went straight to the Dome ready for our talk about the night sky. The children listened beautifully and we learned lots of new information about the stars, planets…

Longacre hosts Wellbeing Forum

10th February 2022

We were proud to host our first ‘Wellbeing Forum’ on Wednesday with wellbeing leaders from schools far and wide attending Longacre to talk all things wellbeing and mental health. Ideas were passionately discussed, our Bear Hut was greatly admired and we felt very proud of the pastoral work we do with our children. The forum…

Year 5 visit to Watts Gallery

1st February 2022

Year 5 enjoyed a visit to the Watts Gallery in the nearby village of Compton today. The gallery is dedicated to the work of George Frederic Watts who was widely considered to be the greatest painter of the Victorian era. A portraitist, sculptor, landscape painter and symbolist, Watts’s work embodied the most pressing themes and…

Form V ‘Mathsmagics’ at King Edward’s Witley

21st January 2022

On Wednesday morning the Form V children were very lucky to attend ‘Mathsmagics Live’ at King Edward’s, Witley. The show sparked curiosity and enthusiasm in the children about how amazing maths can be by looking at some simple theories that have been proven by mathematicians. Many of the children volunteered to go up on stage…

Hockey Masterclass at Worth School

20th January 2022

The Form V and VI hockey players enjoyed a great start to the season with an amazing hockey masterclass at Worth School this week. The players were treated to a 1.5 hour session with former England U21 and National Indoor Champion winning captain, Simon Faulkner, who is Head of Hockey at Worth. Simon put all…

Shamley Green Environmental Group

14th January 2022

We are very excited to be featured on the Shamley Green Environment Group’s newly launched website. The website features all the work that the environment group is doing in order to improve the environment in Shamley Green as well as information on how they have been collaborating with the two village schools, Longacre and Wonersh…

Virtual Author Visit

29th November 2021

On Friday 26th November, Forms III to V signed in to Vashti Hardy’s talk on Ecological Fantasy Writing. Vashti explained her journey as an author and elaborated on her love of creating new worlds to base her character’s adventures. Vashti Hardy gave the children top tips and ideas on how to build their own worlds,…

Form I Trip to Painshill Park

26th November 2021

On Thursday,  Form I donned their warmest clothes and braved the freezing temperatures to journey to Painshill Park. We were adapting our learning on the senses, to the natural world. Our guide Adam led us on whirlwind adventure  (no time to stop and get cold)  through the Painshill landscape from meadow to woods to gardens,…

Now Offering Year Round Nursery