
Clubs & Activities

At Longacre, we believe that children thrive in an environment full of opportunities that allows them to explore and discover talents and interests.  Learning beyond the classroom is an essential ingredient of growing up.  Our attitude is that by providing a wide range of extracurricular clubs and activities we hope to unearth the interest and passion of every one of our children.

As well as offering before and after-school care for all who attend the school (Nursery – Form VI), children are encouraged to take part in a range of activities that cover both creative and sporting elements.  Clubs and activities are run by both members of staff and external club providers with expertise in particular fields. We offer early morning clubs, lunchtime clubs and after school clubs.

As children grow and progress through the school, the range of extracurricular opportunities increases. We aim to provide a rich curriculum outside of the classroom as well as in it. Through our holistic approach to education, Longacre children leave the school as well-rounded individuals, ready for their next stage in life.

Activities currently on offer include:

  • Art
  • Cookery
  • Craft
  • Cricket – Boys & Girls
  • Dance
  • Debating
  • Drama
  • Football – Boys & Girls
  • French
  • Gymnastics
  • Hockey – Boys & Girls
  • Judo
  • Junior Choir


  • Musical Theory
  • Orchestra
  • Pilates
  • Rugby – Boys & Girls
  • Science
  • Scrabble Club
  • Senior Choir
  • Sewing
  • Spanish
  • Table Tennis
  • Tennis
  • Times Table Rock Stars
  • Touch Typing

“I love football because we always do fun warm ups then get to play matches with our friends.”

Form II pupil

“Cooking Club is always really fun. We get to bake yummy food and take it home.”

Form II pupil

“I love the fact that the boys and girls can play football together.”

Form V pupil

“I love doing extra art and seeing my friends. I wish I could do art all day long!”

Form II pupil
Now Offering Year Round Nursery